Thirty years ago, I used to make pigs feet, ears, snout South American style, then chopped it up super fine so the kids would eat it mixed with rice. But, I got away from eating too much meat, because of the hormones used in raising the live stock. Lately, I’ve come back to eating offal (the other parts) due to health reasons, and because I buy locally, humanely raised meat. Your recipe is a KEEPER! In about an hour or so, I’m going to go out and pick the collards that my husband and I planted in our yard and add them to the pot. I didn’t have the availability of fresh collards last time, so I used green cabbage, which was marvelous. An added benefit to having the pigs foot was the delicious broth with the life giving collagen, which lends to healthy skin and youthful flexibility.
So, if anyone reads my comments, GO FOR IT! This is a super recipe! Not to be missed!