I know what you’re thinking. “I don’t want to cook pig feet!” Maybe even “disgusting!”, and all things considered it does sound disgusting…maybe it even is disgusting.
I mean it’s feet…..pigs feet, and when I initially explained to my kids what they were eating faces got chopped and screwed.
But a few minutes later, everything on their plate quickly moved into their tummies. They loved them! I’ve made pig feet in the past but my husband won’t eat them and I didn’t want to make the kids eat them, so I was kind of on my own. Now that they’ve tried them I’m not on my own anymore…they asked for seconds.
Seems like the more off beat and less mainstream my posts are the more interest they get, in return the more people I get to help. I like helping.
I’m sure someone will soon be looking for a pig feet recipe this New Year(pig feet are a tradition on New Years) and this one is the best!
Plus, if I can just be really real with y’all……
I really like pig feet!
Did you know how healing gelatinous meats can be for the skin and digestive track?! I’ve upped the ante on my gelatinous meat intake. I.E pig feet, since starting an effort to heal my skin.
Animals feet contains high amounts of collagen! Collagen is that protein they use to fill out wrinkles on the skin. So save your money…just eat pig feet. I like that slogan.
My daddy calls them jelly rolls. lol
That really makes me laugh….
…..and I’m still rolling. My daddy is funny, he’s really funny.
But about these jelly rolls…
yep still laughing….
they are simple to prepare.
You put all your ingredients into the pot cover and simmer, and that’s it.
Let me show you.
Make sure to clean the meat off really good.
Pigs have been known to have some hair on their toes. Please get rid of them before you traumatize anyone including yourself.
Place pig feet in large braising pot. (we call it the greens pot, that’s how we braise large amounts of collards, kale, or mustard greens.)
Throw in your cut onion bunch of parsley and the rest of the spices.
Pour in the water and vinegar.
Cover pot and bring to rolling boil. Check the pot after 2 hours. If the feet are not covered pour in some more water to cover and boil another 1 hour.
After 3 hours on the stove your pot should look something like this. Meat will fall right off the bone! There you have it tender and flavorful Jelly Roll!
Still laughing…
Any unique meals you or your family enjoys?

- 4 Lbs Cleaned Pig Feet
- 5 crushed garlic cloves
- 1 Large onion chopped
- Bunch of fresh parsley
- Sea Salt
- smoked paprika
- dry rubbed Sage
- dry rubbed thyme
- apple cider vinegar
- 60 oz water
- Place cleaned pig feet into large pot.
- Add all ingredients.
- Cover pot and boil for three hours or until meat is tender.
- Check after 2 hours and if water does not cover meat cover with water.
- Replace top and cook for 1 more hour.
That was a cool post Christina. I bet my brother told you, my uncle Napoleon used to eat pigs feet all the time!
He did, Napoleon knows what’s good, lol. Thank you Marcus!
I’m not a fan of pig’s feet but my daddy would probably love these!
Jocelyn (Grandbaby cakes) recently posted…Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes
I’m sure he would, thank you Jocelyn!
This is THE BEST POST EVER! I am not a pig feet eater, but love the juice/sauce over rice. YUMMMM. My mother cooks them for my aunt every year for her birthday. And that final photo! OMG That should make anybody want to try pigs feet.
Alicia recently posted…I Am DelivereT : COGIC Convocation
Thank you Alicia, the juice sauce has collagen too so eat it up girl!!!
I have never had pigs feet. I can’t think of anything unique other than chitterlings, LOL! I don’t cook them but whenever we’re back at home we have them at big family dinners.
Tia recently posted…Date Night Taught Me…
Really?! They are different but I love them! I used to eat chitterlings in my childhood but I had them once at a relative who didn’t properly clean them, and let’s just say I’ve never had them since.:/
I thought my family was the only ones who ate Pigs Feet.. All we need is some Hot Sauce!!
Renae recently posted…Friday Favorites
Hot sauce, yes!! Thank you Renae!
My mom makes this Cranberry Ribbon Salad for Thanksgiving and its soooooo bad for you but sooooooo fn good.
I ought to do a post on it.
Except that I can’t eat it anymore, it’s with cream cheese and I’ve got that lactose thing going on.
Womp, wooomp.
It was torture not being to eat some of my favorite dishes my mama made on Thanksgiving this year. I feel ya pain! Thanks Dana!