Spicy Pumpkin Wings

As of recent I’ve been concocting all sorts of pumpkin recipes, so I’m kind of pumpkin pro. Well sort of…no, not really,  I just figured a few things out about pumpkins through trial and error and I’d like to share that with you. 

I found that the smaller pumpkins are sweeter which work great for my  baked goods and smoothie recipes , and the larger pumpkins have a perfect taste profile for my savory ones. 

For this savory recipe I actually used a smaller pumpkin which gave these wings a nice sweet flavor. This simple pumpkin recipe is perfect to serve your family on those long game days that are (and I’m not happy about) happening this season. 

I’ve noticed football season is getting much more intense as years go by and even you ladies are getting in on the football madness. I guess if you can’t beat’em join’em.

I totally get it. As for me I’m dropping off the snacks and going on about my business watching some real life murder drama or working on some new paleo recipes.

Hope you enjoy this one…I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one!  

Picture steps below with the recipe to follow. 


Pumpkin wingettes ingredients

Pumpkin sauce

Pumpkin sauce rubbed

pumpkin wings 2pumpkin wings doneWings pumkin



Spicy Pumpkin Wingettes
These season inspired wings come just in time for fall football.
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  1. 1.5 -2 Lbs
  2. 1/4 cup fresh pumpkin puree
  3. 2 1/2 Tbs coconut aminos
  4. 1 teaspoon chili powder
  5. 1 teaspoon ground roasted ginger
  6. 1~2 teaspoons salt
  7. 1/2 teaspoon chili flakes
  8. 1 rounded Tablespoon of melted duck fat
  1. Preheat oven to 400
  2. Wash and pat dry chicken wingettes.
  3. In food processor or with an immersion blender puree all the ingredients together.
  4. Rub blended sauce all over the wings.
  5. Bake wings on baking sheet for 15 minutes.
  6. Turn chicken.
  7. Bake for 15 more minutes.
  8. Turn oven up to 450 F for the last 5 minutes.
  9. Let cool and serve.
A Soulful Twist http://asoulfultwist.com/
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        • Christina says

          I understand they are spicy my hubby, was getting a little teary eye. Your little one is a trip! And cayenne pepper on his popcorn, he has a mature palette!:)

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