You ask why? Click Here Yet still, I most likely won’t be doing it again. :/ I would certainly recommend the Master Cleanse for a short-term goal, say you have a class reunion coming up, or maybe you want to take off a few inches before Valentines day! This would work for that for sure, as for long-term weight goals you need to take an overall lifestyle change approach, something that can be easily maintained daily! I had a few hiccups along the way , my goal was a 10 day fast, I ended up starting two days late and coming off 2 days earlier than the initial plan, so six days total.
My second day off the dag-on fast I was eating french toast and bacon:/ I certainly went a little over board but I only gained 2 pounds back. I’m not big on scale watching, due to water retention, muscles and so forth, I really like to pay attention to the way my clothes are fitting and my overall physique. I can say I see a difference in my skin, it’s much clearer and looks refreshed. Overall it was a positive experience, my cravings are down and by the fifth day I felt more energized! I have an upcoming fresh juice fast challenge I’m doing with a few of my girlfriends, I love my fruit and veggie juice so I’m sure this will be easier than restricting myself to a glass of lemonade.
So the first picture, I took on the morning I started the Master Cleanse :/ And the second one is a day after I came off! :)You can see a little difference in the lower abdomen, but not much, I made sure to not suck it in on either pics so what you see is what you get You have to take in to consideration I was pretty sedimentary during the cleanse so there was no workout whatsoever!
This is SIX days on the Master Cleanse. Pay close attention to the gut!
I’m back to intense circuit training, dedicated squats, and soft yoga. As for diet, I’m drinking tons of water and 3 cups of green tea daily. I’ve also increased my veggie intake, astronomically. That’s it as far as diet is concerned. I’ll post updates on my overall fitness goals and progress. I’m also working on some fun , delicious and healthy meals! Thanks for reading, please subscribe with your email for new recipes and updates. Connect with me here on Google Plus and/or Twitter !