A Soulful Twist » master cleanse http://asoulfultwist.com Thu, 22 May 2014 16:49:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.9.2 I lost six Pounds on the Master Cleanse + Pictures http://asoulfultwist.com/i-lost-six-pounds-on-the-master-cleanse-pictures/ http://asoulfultwist.com/i-lost-six-pounds-on-the-master-cleanse-pictures/#comments Wed, 22 Jan 2014 17:56:02 +0000 http://asoulfultwist.com/?p=2614 Master Cleanse Update: 

I lost 6 pound with a 7 day juice fast!

You ask why? Click Here Yet still, I most likely won’t be doing it again. :/ I would certainly recommend the Master Cleanse for a short-term goal, say you have a class reunion coming up, or maybe you want to take off a few inches before Valentines day! This would work for that for sure, as for long-term weight goals you need to take an overall lifestyle change approach, something that can be easily maintained daily!   I had a few hiccups along the way , my goal was a 10 day fast, I ended up starting two days late and coming off 2 days earlier than the initial plan, so six days total.  

I just did it all wrong!

My second day off the dag-on fast I was eating french toast and bacon:/ I certainly went a little over board but I only gained 2 pounds back.  I’m not big on scale watching, due to water retention, muscles and so forth, I really like to pay attention to the way my clothes are fitting and my overall physique. I can say I see a difference in my skin, it’s much clearer and looks refreshed.  Overall it was a positive experience, my cravings are down and by the fifth day I felt more energized! I have an upcoming fresh juice fast challenge I’m doing with a few of my girlfriends, I love my fruit and veggie juice so I’m sure this will be easier than restricting myself to a glass of lemonade.  

Snap a Picture

So the first picture, I took on the morning I started the Master Cleanse :/ And the second one is a day after I came off! :)You can see a little difference in the lower abdomen, but not much, I made sure to not suck it in on either pics so what you see is what you get You have to take in to consideration I was pretty sedimentary during the cleanse so there was no workout whatsoever!

This is SIX days on the Master Cleanse. Pay close attention to the gut! 

 What Now?

I’m back to intense circuit training, dedicated squats, and soft yoga. As for diet, I’m drinking tons of water and 3 cups of green tea daily. I’ve also increased my veggie intake, astronomically. That’s it as far as diet is concerned.  I’ll post updates on my overall fitness goals and progress.  I’m also working on some fun , delicious and healthy meals! Thanks for reading, please subscribe with your email for new recipes and updates. Connect with me here on Google Plus  and/or  Twitter !

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Master Cleanse Update http://asoulfultwist.com/master-cleanse-update/ http://asoulfultwist.com/master-cleanse-update/#comments Wed, 08 Jan 2014 14:12:34 +0000 http://asoulfultwist.com/?p=2503  

Cleanse Update

So I foolishly started my cleanse on a Saturday, and I was fine with that, until it was time to leave the house that is. The fact that I hadn’t prepared with the three days of eating all whole and non-processed foods was the failing factor. My cravings were just to strong to beat with a simple cup of lemonade. I needed a Pear  and a few Grapes to get me through.

So this weekend I started with the cleanse (two cups) but decided I needed to eat so instead I consumed raw fruits and veggies only, and on Monday I was better prepared for the initial “Hunger Pains”. Let me not scare you away from the cleanse, in actuality if you prepare the drink according to the directions there are no real hunger pains, I was satisfied meaning no roaring belly, I just really wanted something to chew

So now I’m on my third day and if it wasn’t for the before pictures I took I may have thrown in the entire towel,  I really do need this cleanse it helped me last time when I focused more on the spiritual and whole body health benefits rather than the physical!

It helps that I’ve started meditation which is a whole other topic, considering I have a non-diagnosed case of Adult ADD. 

In the meantime I’ve been enjoying watching the little ones purge my food and it’s been pretty fun and helpful, I had no idea how much they enjoyed food! 


Lasagna Night

She pays no mind to what I was doing!


She’s probably gonna hate me one day…..knock on wood!


                                                                                                                 Licking the Frosting!


He was very meticulous about eating all the icing off.



This is Elle when she realizes I’m taking pictures! Hey!
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Master Cleanse/Lemonade Diet http://asoulfultwist.com/master-cleanselemonade-diet/ http://asoulfultwist.com/master-cleanselemonade-diet/#comments Sat, 04 Jan 2014 15:10:30 +0000 http://asoulfultwist.com/?p=2469 I enjoyed the holidays!

To say I went over board this holiday is an understatement!

I’ve gained 11 pounds of FAT!

Am I tripping off that though?


I’m not into beating myself up over my body, weight or enjoying a few too many cookies. I have two daughters and I don’t want to pass down the curse of body shaming and guilt eating that I’ve done my entire childhood and most of my twenties! 

Do I joke about my indulgences at times? YeS!

Do I feel any real guilt about my indulgences? No!

For some, talking negatively about their own body can be a defense mechanism. You want to say it before they say it, or you want to say it because you just “know they are thinking it! When in actuality no one cares but you! And since I’m the only one who cares, I keep my little snide remarks about my raging thunder thighs and protruding backside to myself, I’d much rather take that negativity to the pavement and run!

I just find that talking badly about my body is not at all helpful or motivating it makes me feel defeated and unmotivated, you eat a cookie beat yourself up about it and then eat another cookie. 

NO thanks to that, I like to eat my cookie, enjoy all of the deliciousness of that cookie and spend a little extra time during my fitness routine, or maybe skip the starch at dinner. 

The main component of living healthy is not cutting a bunch of things you like out of your diet, unless of course you have Pica ( a persistent and compulsive cravings to eat nonfood items) and eat something crazy like counter-tops(I’ve actually seen this on some reality docudrama) and if that’s the case please exit out of this tab and find a physician who can assist you in your area

Where was I? Yes!


Being aware of what and how much I am consuming is everything to me and my health.

So, I am aware of what and how much I’ve consumed and because it was the holidays I allowed myself to go over board, knowing a head of time I would have to do something about it when the holidays were over. 

I will not whine nor complain about how chubby I got during the holidays. What I will do is start a cleanse and focus on getting back to where I was before the holidays. 

So The Cleanse Begins

I chose the master cleanse also known as the Lemonade diet because I’ve done it before (5 days) and it’s easier than juicing fruit. This time I’m staying on it for 10 days, after that I will juice fresh fruits and veggies for another 10 days!

After that I will work my way back to solids with raw whole foods and produce.

If you are not familiar with the master cleanse you can by the original creators book here, I trust this book the most of all the information online. 

There have been many variations of the  cleanse but this one tells you how to do the cleanse in the safest and most effective manner. 

It’s organic lemons, grade B organic Raw Maple syrup, organic cayenne pepper and an optional but for me necessary salt flush.

I’ll be posting pics of my before and after body and changes in my skin!

More important than losing weight during this cleanse my main goal is to push the reset button on my body and reduce some of my cravings.

I still will be cooking for the fam and continuing to share my families favorite dishes and recipes, so look out for that as well!

Love Yourself Body Included

For my last word, please stop beating yourself up about your weight and/or body, live in the moment…it is what it is right now, you have to commit to getting to where you want to be physically but in the meantime enjoy the body you have. Someone somewhere is wishing they can have it.

Whether it’s your thunder thighs to run, them piggy toes to walk or just the breath that you take, it is awesome that you have it! 

Embrace the blessing of another day that gives you an opportunity to make that body or whatever else you want to change, better!

I love my body it’s the only one I’m going to get and if the thighs or butt get out of hand, well I may have went over board but I have the power to get it right back in check.

Love ya,

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