A Soulful Twist » new years eve recipes http://asoulfultwist.com Thu, 22 May 2014 16:49:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.9.2 Top five New Years Eve Dishes http://asoulfultwist.com/top-five-new-years-eve-dishes/ http://asoulfultwist.com/top-five-new-years-eve-dishes/#respond Thu, 26 Dec 2013 22:32:10 +0000 http://asoulfultwist.com/?p=2386

This a quick list of my all-time favorite New Years Eve Foods, and what they mean to me! Here we go.

5. Pork 

Growing up we could not celebrate a New Year without wait for it……… pig feet! I have to admit it I really like pig feet,  served with some collard greens, and potato salad it’s EVERYTHING! My man on the other hand won’t go near them, and I’m not the one to force him (at least on this subject) to do anything he doesn’t want to! I just compromise and make barbecue ribs which are just as satisfying. Pork represents moving forward in the new year, it also represents  wealth and prosperity, and don’t we all want some of that in the new year!

4.Corn Bread

The bright yellow color of corn bread resembles the bright yellow color of gold, and is a symbol of prosperity and wealth in the New Year. Enjoy those sweet little gold nuggets, and strike it rich in the new year.

3. Collard Greens

Really any kind of greens for that matter. I like Kale, and mustard. I’ll definitely be making greens this New Years Eve and eating all throughout the day and night. This is one of the foods I can indulge in without guilt. The greens represent money and I plan on making  some of that this year so let’s eat up and make that green!
Seems like with me eating these foods every year I should have hit the lotto by now…..but then I would actually have to play the lottery.

2. Black eye peas

 An absolute must-have on New Years Eve are Black eye peas, this southern staple are also a symbol of luck. Mainly because of the way they swell up during cooking, they are veered as a representation of growth and prosperity.

1. Bundt Cake

I cook a bundt pound cake on New Years Eve to represent the year coming full circle and looking forward to a new circle in the New Year!

My conclusion?

Most of the foods enjoyed in celebration of  New Year symbolizes wealth……..but being wealthy does not necessarily mean having a lot of money, you can be wealthy with love, wealthy with family and good friends, you can grow in your professions and passions! I want to do it all I am ready for all the goodness, trials, and breakthroughs the new years has to offer.  

For me this is the year of progression. I speak progress, prosperity and joy in my life and yours!

Dream it, believe it and achieve it! 

Love ya!


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