A Soulful Twist » peach french toast http://asoulfultwist.com Thu, 22 May 2014 16:49:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.9.2 Ten Tips for the Perfect French Toast + Just Peachy French Toast http://asoulfultwist.com/ten-tips-for-the-perfect-french-toast-just-peachy-french-toast/ http://asoulfultwist.com/ten-tips-for-the-perfect-french-toast-just-peachy-french-toast/#comments Thu, 06 Mar 2014 17:15:30 +0000 http://asoulfultwist.com/?p=2982

I’ve always been a breakfast person. It’s the first thing I learned to cook on my own as a child. It’s my first love when it comes to meal time.  

French toast is no exception. It’s top on the list of things I would consider for an ultimate breakfast menu! It’s also something that I am usually skeptical about on the menu of a new restaurant. One thing I do know is if  the French Toast is prepared the way I like it, I’m ready to try everything else they’ve got.

I like French Toast to have a light and airy inside with some crispness on the outside. It makes a great brunch and there are plenty of ways to enjoy, I’ve even tried a savory version that took a piece of my heart! 

Over the years I’ve learned a few tricks and tips that have helped me prepare praise worthy French Toast and know I’m passing on the knowledge!

I’ve prepared for you my top TEN tips for the best French Toast right at home.  Oh and did I mention I included a French Toast recipe I made with fresh peach puree that will get you dancing! It got me dancing, I mean literally… I did the happy dance with a mouth full of maple syrup saturated peach flavored french toast! I’m having an urge to dance just thinking about it! 

1. The Right Mix

Of course you need to start with a good recipe. Play around a bit with ingredients to find the perfect mix for you. I enjoy my french toast creamy, light, and airy on the inside with a crisp and buttery exterior. Alton Brown has a good mix that is not too eggy and made with heavy cream which is a lot like the way I prepare mines. I also have an easy recipe which is perfect if you’re making french toast for the first time. No fancy ingredients just the basics. Get the Alton Brown recipe here. Or check out my easy and basic recipe here

2. Let it soak

One mistake I would make with french toast early on was quickly dipping in batter and immediately putting it on the skillet. I ended up with bland piece of toast that was nothing like the tender, custard’ piece of bread I was looking for. Make sure to submerge bread in batter and allow it to sit for a few minutes to make sure the custard get’s evenly distributed throughout the bread. 

3. Just the right temperature

 Make sure the skillet is not too hot, or you’ll end  up with a scorched on the outside but soft and gooey inside piece of bread. Although you don’t want the skillet too high you also need to make sure it is hot enough to instantly sizzle when you put the toast on the surface. I adjust my skillet temperature throughout the cooking process. I start it off on 375° and move it down to 300º during the first 30 seconds of the cooking process.  

4. Clean it up

After each batch I always wipe down the skillet to prevent burning the next batch. Start with a fresh coat of non-stick spray, and butter for a new piece of toast. I promise this step will save you some frustration and smoke later. 

5. Swimming in butter

Make a puddle of melted butter in the spot you’ll cook the piece of toast. It allows for a good sizzle which leaves a nice crust. Plus the butter gives it another layer of protection from burning and/or sticking. It also helps to assure there will be plenty of butter on you toast ;) 

6. Just a little flour

I add a little flour to my mix, it gives it the extra crunch I like and assures a nice texture. 

7. Use tongs

Instead of flipping with the spatula which can cause some damage if not careful, opt for tongs. You can look at the bottom to check if it’s done without damaging the crust and if it’s not finished simply put it back down and let it sizzle a little longer. 

8. Be gentle

It can be tempting to treat these bad boys like pancakes and try to flip and flap them around but be careful. Carefully place, flip, and remove this custard filled bread. Your final product will result in a more visually appealing plate. 

9. Beat it

I use an electric hand blender to make sure everything is fully incorporated. It’s worth the extra trouble to get a fluffy and consistent piece of French Toast. 

10. Eat fresh

Serve straight off the skillet. French Toast will lose their airiness and fluff after sitting too long. Get em’ while it’s hot! 

Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to making 5 star quality French Toast!

Bon Appetit!



Just Peachy French Toast
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  1. 8 Slices of Sourdough Bread
  2. 1 fresh peach pureed (keep a few chunks)
  3. 1/2 cup half and half
  4. 2 large eggs
  5. 2 Tablespoons all purpose flour
  6. 1/4 cup sugar
  7. 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  8. 1 Tablespoon vanilla
  9. 1/4 cup butter
  10. non-stick spray
  1. Put everything in the food processor together (minus the butter).
  2. Pulse together.
  3. Add sliced bread to the mix.
  4. Let toast sit in mixture for at least 2 minutes a piece.
  5. Heat skillet.
  6. Spray with non-stick oil.
  7. Add teaspoon of butter for each piece of toast you will cook.
  8. Cook on each side for approximately 3 minutes.
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