A Soulful Twist » potato chips http://asoulfultwist.com Thu, 22 May 2014 16:49:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.9.2 Homemade Potato Chips http://asoulfultwist.com/homemade-potato-chips/ http://asoulfultwist.com/homemade-potato-chips/#comments Wed, 30 Oct 2013 02:05:23 +0000 http://asoulfultwist.com/?p=2043 Football season is in full effect and I have a treat that you and your family are sure to appreciate, and hopefully it’ll last past kickoff! Realistically they won’t last past kickoff, but don’t let that stop you, this quick treat is worth it. Non processed, preservative free straight up fried potato is what it is. A homemade potato chip! Follow these easy peasy directions watch your family and friends begging for more! So here we go all you have to do is…..

Cut potatoes into thin slices, using whatever kitchen tools suit your fancy. Since I’m not trained in the art of knives and prefer to keep all my fingers, I use my safety slicer.

  After slicing, cover them in water and let sit for 30 minutes

Lay out paper towels and dry off the potatoes. Pre-heat oil to 375ᴼ

Carefully place dried potatoes in oil and fry for about 5 minutes, move them around a bit half way through at the 3 minute mark.

When finished I place on a cooling rack with paper towels underneath. Sprinkle with some salt, cayenne pepper, maybe some garlic powder, whatever you like. If you’re feeling naughty top with some chives, shredded cheese, plus bacon then dip in sour cream, Yum!

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