A Soulful Twist » sauteed cabbage http://asoulfultwist.com Thu, 22 May 2014 16:49:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.9.2 Quick Southern Cabbage http://asoulfultwist.com/hip-young-woman-2/ http://asoulfultwist.com/hip-young-woman-2/#comments Thu, 21 Mar 2013 12:15:56 +0000 http://elegantthemes.com/preview/DeepFocus/?p=217 Just looking at these pictures makes me want another bowl. Yes I eat cabbage by the bowl and I promise as soon as you try this easy recipe you will too. If you are from a family of southern cooks you would definitely have grown up on cabbage. Cabbage along with collard greens are staple veggies in the southern kitchen. But this recipe unlike our ancestors before us does not take all day to slowly cook in fatback. It takes about 30 minutes to prepare.  Oh and did I mention it’s cheap, you can get a head of cabbage from your produce department for about 29 cents a pound, and feed your entire family a healthy side dish. SO if you want a quick and easy and very tasty veggie try this hearty Cabbage and did I mention it has BACON!

What you’ll need………

Head of Cabbage

Smoked Bacon  3 Slices

Unsalted Butter 2 Tablespoons

Apple cider vinegar 1 ½ Teaspoons

Chicken Broth 1 Cup

Salt and pepper to taste

Cut your cabbage, I like to cut it into strips so they are manageable during the sauté step.

Chop your bacon up into small pieces.


Brown your bacon and when fat is rendered add the butter. (Don’t let it burn now). Toss everything together get all the cabbage nicely coated with the rendered bacon fat and butter. Continue to toss and sauté so the cabbage can get some color. About 5 minutes.


Add the Apple cider vinegar and chicken stock mix well. Salt and pepper to taste but just keep in mind the salt from the bacon, and be careful not to use too much. Put your top on pan and turn heat to low and let it simmer for about 20 more minutes.


There you have it, a quick and easy side dish or for lunch when I’m eating light I will have a bowl, good fiber, healthy vegetable and the bacon adds some heartiness. Enjoy!





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