A Soulful Twist » Tuna Fish Sandwich http://asoulfultwist.com Thu, 22 May 2014 16:49:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.9.2 Tuna Fish Remixed http://asoulfultwist.com/tuna-fish-remixed/ http://asoulfultwist.com/tuna-fish-remixed/#respond Sat, 23 Mar 2013 05:01:48 +0000 http://asoulfultwist.com/?p=861 As a family our food budget is astronomically large between having taste for different items throughout the week (which leads to the market almost daily) specialty cheeses and just ordinary everyday meals our food can become quite expensive.

What does help is that we rarely eat out. I make all our meals. There was a time when it was just me and the hubs and we were quick to take a breakfast, lunch or dinner trip to Panera or Chick-Fil-A to save some time and we thought money.

After introducing a couple of kids to our family we have been much more conscious about how we spend our money especially when it comes to food. That coupled with the fact I have had to become more conscious of what I’m putting in my body cause it ain’t that small no mo’…I try and come up with cost effective ways to feed my face throughout the day.

So this day I had some leftover hoagie buns from our Steak and Cheese Sandwiches earlier in the week. I needed to use that along with a half used red onion and a can a tuna fish I bought probably a year ago (seriously) I decided to make it work. I haven’t had tuna fish sandwich in forever. I remember my mom making it with some old bay, relish and mayo…that was pretty decent so I just needed to spruce it up a bit!

What you need……..

Couple Slices of Bacon

Put your bacon in the oven while you are mixing your tuna and other ingredients…

Can of Tuna

About a ¼ cup Mayo or Miracle Whip

About a Tablespoons Sweet Relish

½ Stalk Finley chopped celery

1 Teaspoon Old Bay or Seasoning Salt

Hoagie Rolls

Few Slices of White American cheese

Thinly Sliced Red Onion

1 Tablespoon Butter

While your Bacon is baking in the oven open and drain all of the liquid off of your tuna.


Mix Tuna, Mayo, Sweet Relish, Chopped celery and old bay. Now start building your roll with tuna cheese and finished bacon.


Add butter to your hot skillet press your onion on top of closed sandwich and put that side in the pan press on your hoagie to flatten it out and the red onion will caramelize right on top of the roll.


After about a minute flip over and toast the other side. This step is for the cheese to get melted and nicely incorporate all your ingredients along with getting a buttery crisp toast on the outside of the roll.  

By this time your mouth should be watering from that oh so good smell.

I’ve never tasted a tuna fish so good. Who knew something so simple could be so good. The red onion caramelized on top along with the crispy bacon and creamy cheese, just takes this basic sandwich and gives it a nice twist. Bon Apetit!


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