A Soulful Twist » vegetarian recipes http://asoulfultwist.com Thu, 22 May 2014 16:49:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.9.2 Black Bean Burger~Blog Updates & Apologies http://asoulfultwist.com/black-bean-burgerblog-updates-apologies/ http://asoulfultwist.com/black-bean-burgerblog-updates-apologies/#comments Mon, 17 Feb 2014 17:04:40 +0000 http://asoulfultwist.com/?p=2916 I’m on day 17 of my month-long challenge to post everyday and unfortunately I have lost a few subscribers. I’m sure the daily email updates has something to do with that. :/

I wanted to first just apologize, I know it can be irritating to get constant updates from the same source and I completely understand if you need to unsubscribe for the month. 

 I just ask that you to subscribe back when this month is over as I return to more spread out posts and new updates. 

I’m working on a very exciting  project that I want to share with all my foodies and home cooks! I’m planning to have everything done by the end of March. I’m also working on food and cooking videos so that you can actually see exactly what I’m doing when I put together these recipes.

The videos will include the basics of how to do a roux, picking  fruits and vegetables, and a video with my husband discussing food safety, storage and when to throw what away in the kitchen. He’s trained and certified through the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals so it’s some good info that you can trust!

For this 17th day of my month-long posts I’m bringing you a black bean burger without the burger. When I first made these my husband didn’t realize there was no meat until half-way through eating I gently broke the news, it didn’t faze him because it’s just that good. 

On the other hand my son who is an avid bean protester had a few words, let me give you a play by-play of the conversation between son and mom!

SON:    Mom did you put beans in this burger?
MOM:  Why do you ask baby?
SON:    Because there is a bean in my burger (while pointing at what looks like a bean in a burger)
MOM:  Well actually… there is no burger in your beans
SON:    HUH?!?!
MOM:  Laughing Hysterically
SON:   Shrugs shoulders and continues to eat.

The “continues to eat” part is the proof that these burgers were delicious enough to not even miss the meat. My son is a talker, a debater, a wannabe preacher, teacher, boss! So the fact that he shut his mouth and continued to eat gave me the assurance that these burgers were kid tested and approved. 

Here’s the recipe for you and your family to enjoy. This recipe yields about 10 burgers. Feel free to divide the recipe in half.

I make a lot because we eat a lot!


Black Bean Burgers
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  1. 4 cups cooked black beans
  2. 3 eggs
  3. 1 cup breadcrumbs
  4. 2 teaspoons salt
  5. 1 teaspoon onion powder
  6. 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  7. 3 tablespoon ketchup
  8. 2 tablespoon Worcestershire
  9. Palm full chopped cilantro
  10. 10 Slices Cheddar Cheese
  1. In a food processor mix cooked beans for 1 minute on low speed.
  2. Transfer to big bowl and add the rest of ingredients except for cheese.
  3. Coat skillet with a little veggie oil. Heat to about 350.
  4. Form patties and cook on each side for about 5 minutes.
  5. Top with cheese and melt serve on or off bun with onion, tomato and any other fixin' you like.
  1. Feel free to split this recipe in half for less servings.
A Soulful Twist http://asoulfultwist.com/
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