Hey all!
I wanted to stop in a tell you about an important addition to my grain free kitchen….drum roll please……….
The Scale!
May sound small, but if you’re baking grain free treats without one you may have trouble with replicating those perfect creations over and over again.
It all started when I went back to make a recipe posted here on my very own blog out all places. It failed I couldn’t believe that the recipe failed.
I had made it more than twice before I even posted it.
When I realized the recipe posted wasn’t fail proof it put m in a sort of tizzy. Bent out of shape was not even close to how I was feeling.
Dialogue in my head included , “What the H Christina?!” followed by “you know you probably f$%*#% up someones breakfast?!”
I quickly retreated! I couldn’t look at a measuring cup let along my blog. I just felt awful.
After a few months of moping and groping and eating out and avoiding the grocery store. I got back to what I love the most. Cooking.
I started back cooking I started taking pictures again I started to just enjoy my time creating.
To cut a long story short I’m back in a good place. I won’t let the embarrassment, or shame of a bad recipe get me down.
When I first got married I couldn’t even fry a piece decent chicken and now I have family and friends requesting my fried chicken with each visit.
With time I’ll continue to grow, because it’s what I love to do! I love creating new recipes, I love making old recipes new and
I want to always provide the best ad mot accurate recipes so that I won’t be the reason for anyone wasting expensive ingredients.
Food is expensive…fresh food is even more expensive, and grain free flours/foods are the most expensive!
Also, I want to give my deepest apologies to anyone who may have tried this recipe unsuccessfully.
As for that recipe, one of my favorites the Cinnamon Apple Ring Pancakes, I updated the recipe in grams here.
I have since updated the recipe, and recreated the recipe is weights rather than volume.
Grain free flours have various densities and flours (coconut i.e.) can take on a plethora of shapes which makes it difficult when measuring volume. Measuring is the surest way to calculate, and recalculate the ingredients for recipes. It’s the only way as far as I’m concerned.
Now lets gets to creating!
Hey there sweet lady! I’ve been wondering where you’ve been and now I know! Don’t be so hard on yourself–it happens (and this is from someone who is always hard on herself!). I love having a kitchen scale–it really does make baking a whole lot more accurate! It’s great to see you again!
Tracey @ saltysweetlife.com recently posted…It’s Cherry Season! Sweet and Savory Cherry, Mint and Pistachio Salad
Thank you Tracey! The scale has been great for creating a consistent final product!
Good thing you caught it. Thanks for letting us know. And cheers to accuracy from here on out.
Thanks Teems!
Uh oh, I think I spot a fellow protectionist! I struggle at times in not wanting to do something unless it measures up to some idea of perfect that I have in my head. Ugh!
I remember years ago taking a baking course and the chef saying he only weighs his ingredient. I kind of feel of the weighing before baking wagon but I recently bought a scale like this…and find it very handy! http://www.amazon.com/Joseph-TriScale-Compact-Folding-Digital/dp/B0091QO41U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436384472&sr=8-1&keywords=food+scale+folding
Christine, I love your blog and I look forward to seeing more soon! 😉
Patricia recently posted…Quinoa Breakfast Bowl with Berries
So you totally understand Patricia!!! It’s awful :/ I have only been weighing my ingredients when it comes to baking lately! Thank you!