We are back! Back home and back to school. The month of August has been spent everywhere but home. The kids and I have been back and forth between grandparents house, and home, with my husband kind of stuck mostly here at home alone, he did however have a week-long vacation which we spent at his childhood home in North Carolina.
Considering I slept on the floor I enjoyed myself a ton, my mother in law did 95% of all the cooking and cleaning so I pretty much got a break from my daily hustle and bustle back here VA. I genuinely enjoyed the time we got to spend with our parents, and whats even better I got to use my mama’s fully loaded kitchen which is almost twice the size of mine with a dutch oven ( I’m working on getting one), with a fully stocked pantry, and deep freezer. I literally could go shopping daily for what I wanted to eat that night.
If I had the space I would totally buy a deep freezer. With all that said I still missed home and our normal routine. So the kids are back in school and I’m back to my kitchen, and because I would love some kitchen upgrades I have put myself on a challenge, a budget challenge a OAMGS challenge ( Once a Month Grocery Shopping). Considering I go to the grocery store AT LEAST four times in a week or over 16 times in a month this is the biggest challenge I would have completed in a while. All those extra dollars will go to my new appliances and flooring. I will work all month on making budget friendly meals and post the ones that were worthy.
Next month I will replicate and give you the break down in cost. This month I’ll try to estimate. I am a cheap skate enthusiast, I have always wanted to be one of those incredibly cheap or should I say resourceful people who save and pays off their house in like 5 years , without any debt. I really am hoping I’m cut out for this! So onto the recipe…this will be the first budget meal of the challenge that is post and share worthy. The children loved it and so did the hubs, it’s Wheat free (did I mention I’ve tested as having a wheat allergy, I’ll discuss that later) and pretty healthy….light on the hips and light on the pockets!
1 lb ground chicken
2 Tablespoons Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose baking flour
2~15.5 oz Bush’s White Northern Beans
1/2~ Onion Chopped
2~ Cloves of Garlic Chopped
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 cup milk
3 Cups water
1 Teaspoon Cumin
1 Tablespoon Chicken Base
In a stock pot heat olive oil. Add and Saute onions and garlic.
Add ground chicken and cook through until you see no more pink. Season with some salt pepper and the cumin.
Add flour and get a roux going with the onions garlic and chicken add your chicken base. Mix well.
Now add your cans of beans, water and milk. Put top on pot and let cook for about an hour and a half on medium high heat.
Watch and stir in between.
Serve warm and sprinkle with cheddar cheese and top it off with a little sour cream.
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