Homemade Tater Tots

I was just thinking a few weeks back while preparing my little ones a quick-lunch of tater tots, chicken nuggets and applesauce, you know the go-to basics when time is limited, when I suddenly though to myself while stealing some tater tots off my babies plate “how do they make these?”!

I had a few ideas of possible processes that could possibly make these little balls of mashed potatoes, and none of them seemed worth the trouble.

Well what do you know?! That same week on PBS American Test Kitchen, which is a great show if you are just learning how to cook, well they were making homemade tater tots.

So I had to try them and they came out good…not great just good. Maybe I’ll try them with different potatoes, seasonings, cheese and flavors, I don’t know but I do feel good that they are just simple potatoes made at home by yours truly. They are simple and the process is not at all as complicated as you may think.

So if you find some time, you can make them too….I wanted to be very detailed with this post to make it as easy as possible for you so here we go…….

All you need are some potatoes, water, season salt and your choice of frying oil.

I cut 4 big russet potatoes into medium-sized cubes washed them off and put them into the food processor.

Add 1/4 cup of water

Blend, make sure everything is blended scraping the sides down making sure everything is blended

When finished blending get all that water off the potatoes         by placing them in a colander

Now your ready for the first cook. Place dried out potatoes in a microwave safe bowl add a bit of season salt. Microwave for 7 minutes.

In a 9×9 dish place a lightly greased piece of wax paper, press cooked potatoes in the bottom evenly, and wrap the top with the overlapping wax paper…like a cocoon. Now Freeze for at least an hour. When finished freezing cut into little squares.

Heat oil to 375° Carefully place tots into hot oil. Move around every so often and take out when they turn golden brown, about 5 minutes. When ready to take out place on paper towel to soak up some of the oil and voila…or Wala!? Whatever it they are calling it now!

So here’s the wrap up, Chop up your potatoes and put them in the food processor along with a bit of water.

Blend them well, and strain the water off of them, ridding the potatoes of some starch, which will in turn allow them to have a desired crispy texture and not gummy.

In a microwave safe dish heat potatoes for 7 minutes.

Lightly brush some wax paper and place in square dish.

Spread out the microwaved potatoes into one even layer over the greased wax paper, inside of  square pan and wrap it up.

Freeze potatoes for at least an hour.

Cut into small squares or use a cookie cuter to make any shapes you want.

Heat vegetable oil or canola oil to 375°

Carefully place tots in hot oil, and cook until golden brown about 5 minutes .

Let me know what you think! *Hugs*


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